Kingston School Of Art
Organization Type: Arts, Culture & HeritageAddress: 647A PRINCESS ST., Kingston, Ontario K7L 1E4
Contact: Jacqueline Prenevost

The Kingston School of Art (KSOA) is a non-profit charitable organization. Formed in 1994 and governed by a community-based volunteer Board of Directors, KSOA is supported by fundraising, student fees, donations and grants. Its mission is to provide cost-effective year-round art classes, have studio-based hands-on instruction and provide practical artistic experiences. Through the creation of an inclusive and supportive environment, KSOA art space encourages artistic individuality and innovation, as well as cultivates an appreciation of the arts within the greater community. KSOA also runs the Window Art Gallery (WAG), a non-profit volunteer run community art gallery which was established in May 2011.