The Birds, Bees, and Butterflies Program
Organization Type: Social & Community ServicesAddress: 1036 Waterbury Cres., Kingston, Ontario K7M 8V5
Contact: Amber Potter

The 3B Program is an inclusive gardening skills based program for Teens and Adults with exceptionalities, living in Kingston Ontario. This program is run through community cooperation and support. Volunteers are crucial to the success of the program as each participant is partnered with a volunteer support. Over the course of the summer, everyone will have the chance to learn new skills and make new friends. This is a great opportunity for those who are looking to fulfill high school volunteer hours or for adults looking to connect with community.
The 3B program runs 9am-2:30pm, every Thursday and Friday throughout the summer.
The program is located at the Lakeside Community Garden, 670 Front Rd, Kingston