This volunteer opportunity has expired!

Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities (Seniors Wayfinding Team Volunteer (virtual))

Organization Name: Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities
Opportunity Title: Seniors Wayfinding Team Volunteer (virtual)
Category: Counselling / Support / Mentoring
Commitment: Less than 6 months
Start Date: November 22, 2022
End Date: December 9, 2022

  • Appropriate for volunteers aged 55 and over
  • Training or orientation required
Opportunity Description:

PLEASE APPLY THROUGH this link  Concerned Friends operates a free service that matches knowledgeable volunteers with seniors and members of the public seeking support and assistance. Over the years, we have helped hundreds of families participating in the long-term care system. As a Seniors Wayfinding Team volunteer, you will join a diverse team of skilled volunteers committed to providing empathic support, information and referrals to individuals navigating the Long Term Care system. We are seeking six Ontarians aged 55+ who have a strong sense of volunteerism, an active interest in the long-term care sector, and are keen to help others in accessing services, support and resources. What do you need to succeed? Be a resident of Ontario and support the Concerned Friends vision, mission and values Identify as a senior (aged 55 and older) with an interest in supporting other seniors in the community Have access to a computer, reliable internet and phone service in a space that is quiet and private Be able to dedicate approximately 5 hours/month to participate in team and wayfinding activities The ability to maintain strict confidentiality and engage in a sensitive and empathetic manner Familiarity with the Ontario Long-Term Care system in the form of  lived and/or professional experience Possess skills  such as: interpersonal and communication, listening, research and information gathering, problem solving, critical thinking, self-management and organization Basic technology skills in computer and email; familiarity with Google Drive (document sharing)  and Zoom communication platform While not required, experience and expertise in nursing, health care, social work and/or law is considered an asset A willingness to learn and collaborate with others and work as a part of a team For more details go to:

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Kingston, Ontario

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