Children’s Mental Health Ontario (Volunteer Peer Support Chapter Leader)
Organization Name: Children’s Mental Health OntarioOpportunity Title: Volunteer Peer Support Chapter Leader
Category: Counselling / Support / Mentoring
Commitment: Ongoing Opportunity (> 1 year)
Start Date: May 2, 2022
End Date: April 1, 2099
- Background/police check required
Peer support is a system of giving and receiving help founded on key principles of respect, shared responsibility, and mutual agreement of what is helpful. Peer support is not based on psychiatric models and diagnostic criteria. It is about understanding another’s situation empathically through the shared experience of emotional and psychological pain.” Mead, Hilton, & Curtis, 2001, p. 135 Scope of Responsibilities Chapter Leaders are responsible for establishing and providing peer support; sometimes this is done through monthly peer support groups or being available for one-to-one support. Chapter Leaders must have lived experience raising a child/youth with mental health challenges and have a solid understanding of local resources in the Child and Youth Mental Health Sector. Peer support is a form of self-care, being heard and seen by others who understand what it is like to be on your journey helps make the journey a bit easier. Direct Support Flexible availability and use of methods in providing support for families Knowledge of mental health supports and services within the community Communicate issues or challenges with Family Partnership Program Manager as they arise Communicate periodically with families through the peer support offered and/or through a distribution list (eg. email, newsletter, or mail) as necessary Chapter Development & Leadership Attend mandatory training (no more than 10 hours per year) Promote PCMH within the community to ensure it is a widely known resource to our target audience Administrative Communicate with PCMH through email, phone, virtual and in-person meetings Ensure chapter email and telephone line are checked at a minimum every 4 days Attend monthly Town Halls and support resource creation by sharing your experiences and knowledge Participate in training opportunities Complete quarterly data surveys and respond to requests for information to better inform PCMH programming and support initiatives Core Competencies Strong Facilitation Skills Team-focused Communication Skills Planning & Organizing Leadership Ethics & Integrity Compassion & Empathy Knowledge of child and youth service systems and sectors, both locally and provincially or a willingness to learn more about this to be effective in your role Time Commitment This position requires 5 to 10 hours per month, we ask all volunteers to commit a minimum of 2 years. For more information on this opportunity please contact Andrea Tagalakis
Apply For Volunteer Opportunity